Nature protection
Following the directives stated at a corporate level, we launched a project aiming at reducing carbon-dioxide emission at our plant. The goal is to achieve the 20% decrease that we scheduled by the deadline of 2020 as early on as possible. We wish to achieve this goal in compliance with the European Union and local regulations and by locating and realizing the possibilities for reduction within the plant borders.
There are at present 35 emission point sources on the size of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft. Constant emission measuring takes place on the emission points of the paint shop. Beyond the direct emission measuring, we carry out regular air quality (immission) measure within the closer surroundings of the plant. In the course of the regular observation of the direct and indirect emission at the plant, no official threshold levels were ever exceeded.
Sewage emitted by the plant can be of a technology-related or social type, depending on where it is produced. Sewage generated in social premises flows into the communal cleanser while technological sewage is purified and under constant controlling before it leaves the plant into the sewer system.
Rainwater is directed from the entire plant site into a separate rainwater pipe system and will then be stored in the rainwater reservoirs.
Corporate Social Responsibility
The first “PickItUp!” voluntary garbage picking day was organized in 2011 for the first time in Hungary. The goal of the program is to raise the awareness of the resident population of the importance of environmental protection and the preservation of natural values. In cooperation with the Kiskunság National Park we took part in the campaign in 2013 and 2014 as well, and by collecting the garbage, we helped in cleaning an area of natural land under protection situated close to our plant.