Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Hungary Kft. and the GAMF Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science of the Neumann János University launched last year the Kecskemét engineering competition, which was organized again this year. The aim of the three-week competition was for the students to develop practical solutions to technical challenges set by Mercedes-Benz engineers.. A special feature of this year’s competition was inclusion of a female entrant, demonstrating her skills and setting an example for young girls interested in engineering. The top three teams were awarded in the Mercedes-Benz plant on Monday, along with the award-winning bonus some EFOTT tickets and valuable Mercedes-Benz gift packages found a new owner.
The winners were:
1st place: the Csillag-Delta team (Gergő Antal, Dávid Kamenár, Dávid Lajos, Dániel Martina), with a project focusing on gyroscope tracking equipment;
2nd place: the Benz-Boyz team (Szevér Balajti, Richárd Borbély, Martin Péter Hetei, Bence Németh, Ákos Somogyi), who presented its project on robot arm maintenance;
3rd place: the Z-Gen team (Norbert Kiss, Ákos Lakatos, Ferenc Tajti), their project dealt with minimizing scrap caused by clogging of adhesive dispensers;
A special prize was awarded to the only female participant of the competition, Dominica Tápai, as well as to Martin Péter Hetei for the best presentation