Since the beginning of production in 2012, the factory has become one of the most significant companies and one of the largest employers not only in Bács-Kiskun county and the Southern Great Plain region, but also on a national level. The Mercedes-Benz factory and the City of Kecskemét are connected by a thousand threads: whether it is jobs, infrastructure development or the expansion of the local supplier base, the Hungarian production site has undergone serious development in the recent years.
On October 2, the factory celebrated Kecskemét City Day, the joint work and results, with a fleet in special colors and cars showcasing the colors of the Hungarian and German national flags. The Patagonian-red Mercedes-AMG CLA 35, manufactured in Kecskemét, will be painted a matt red by the students of the Mercedes-Benz Academy Kecskemét in the coming weeks as part of a project work.
A special peculiarity of the green car is that the model is a real curiosity in this color, a unique copy, as it is not available in series production or commercially. The car received the color within the framework of a unique factory project in the paint shop of the Kecskemét factory: at the same time, the end result representing top quality praises the joint, coordinated work of colleagues working in different fields.